RaholianThank you!
A huge thank you to everyone in the guild for surprising me with a yak for my birthday! I'm honored and humbled at your generosity, and very, very grateful.
back to index : comments (4) : Friday, Aug 21 - 8:32pm
Happy 60th birthday Eric! :D
Adana : Wednesday, Aug 26 - 11:18pm
Wow, time has flown. I always knew he was old enough to be my dad. But apparently, it was more like my granddad :-)
Feelbetter : Thursday, Aug 27 - 1:29pm
Happy Birthday!! hope it was a good one :D
Arterian : Friday, Sep 4 - 8:59pm
happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!
dragonskick : Wednesday, Sep 9 - 7:34pm